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Sentence Counter

This Sentence Counter will help you figure out the amount of sentences, words and characters in given text. If you want to figure out more about a text, check here: Word count.

Use Cases of The Sentence Counter

How It Count Sentences?

The sentences counter works following these steps:

  1. Text Preprocessing: Clean the text string by removing unnecessary whitespace or special characters. This helps with the accuracy of subsequent processing.
  2. Define Sentence Delimiters: English text typically uses periods (.), question marks (?), and exclamation points (!) to indicate the end of a sentence. These punctuation marks can be used as delimiters to identify sentence boundaries.
  3. Split the Text: Use these delimiters to split the text into parts. While doing this, be mindful of quotes, abbreviations, numbers, and other such cases where a period may not signify the end of a sentence.
  4. Count the Sentences: After splitting the text, each segment represents a sentence (provided abbreviations and other special cases were handled correctly). Count the number of these segments to determine the total number of sentences.
  5. Handle Special Cases: Further processing may be required to handle special cases such as abbreviations (e.g., “U.S.”), ellipses (...), and numbered lists.
  6. Verification: Finally, to ensure the accuracy of the program, select several sample texts to count and verify the results.